
  • See our pricing struture

    Registration all year round 🙂
  • Tuition fees include:

    care from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,

    core curriculum (mathematics, natural science, regional education, art workshops, rhythmics, morning movement and dance classes),

    bilingual education – the English teacher participates in daily activities conducted in the kindergarten, thanks to which the Children acquire knowledge in two languages ​​simultaneously; The English teacher in his work primarily uses the early partial immersion method, thanks to which the Children “immerse themselves” in the English language accompanying them not only during didactic activities, but also in everyday situations, such as greeting, getting dressed or e.g. cleaning toys; in her work, the teacher uses the TPR (Total Physical Response) method, which involves learning language through movement and action; the essence of the TPR technique is teaching a foreign language in a natural and similar way to learning the mother tongue – first the child becomes familiar with the language and develops understanding, and then begins to speak; in the TPR learning technique Children carry out the requests and orders of teachers that require movement, and in turn reacting with the body, I facilitate the process of understanding, remembering and assimilating new material,

  • sensory workshops with elements of sensory art – sensory development is the development experienced through the senses, i.e. the way in which the Child learns about the world and about himself in the youngest years; skillfully stimulated senses (the sense of balance, body sensation, touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell) influences the formation and maturation of the child’s nervous system; correct sensory integration means that all information coming from the outside is received and processed correctly, The child is able to properly assess the environment in which he is located, and most importantly his reactions are adequate to the situations he experiences,

    – developing creative thinking skills – preschool age is the best moment to stimulate the creative development of a child; it is an age of intense development of imagination, fantasy and creative games, a period of inquisitive questions and searching for own solutions; in our kindergarten, we focus on providing our preschoolers with stimulation methods and techniques in the field of, i.e. developing divergent thinking, the features of which are flexibility, fluidity, originality – we pursue this goal, among others through games such as creating simple analogues, i.e. searching for similarities in terms of relations, structures between two phenomena (“My mom is like … because ….), personal games consisting in empathizing with a specific problem, identifying with a given phenomenon (” I am water “,” I am a leaf “) games that use elements of fantasy, that is, in practice, combining contradictory phenomena, things, thanks to which the Child can obtain new, unusual solutions (” What is the favorite dance of the mountains? “,” What sport does the piano play? ” ), Symbolic exercises, i.e. transferring phenomena, feelings, solutions to problems to a given field of activity (show with the body “joy” “sour”), games with coding consisting in making the child aware that to solve a task, problem or puzzle, it can lead to much the same correct and effective methods (in this area we use the humanistic and mathematical mat Edu Sense and we implement the program “K od odowanie na carpet “by mgr Anna Swiw)

    – constant psychological and speech therapy care for diagnosis.

    We offer discounts for siblings!

    The daily fees (breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea) is PLN 15 (basic diet) or PLN 17 for a special diet (vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free).

  • Additional fees:

    • Insurance payable once in September for the entire year,
    • Theater visits,
    • Trips outside kindergarten: theater, museum, zoo, etc.,
    • Textbooks,
    • Care after 18.00,